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God reveals mysteries for us to be weary.

Shammah Temple Fellowship, Ngagara Parish

Sermon of November 19, 2023

By Pastor Egide Nibitanga

Reference scriptures: Daniel 8:1-27

Theme: God reveals mysteries for us to be weary.

Daniel’s revelation in chapter 8 came 2 years after the one in chapter 7. He saw a fight between a ram and a goat.

The ram was revealed to him as the kingdom of Media and Persia. It was very powerful throughout the North, South, East and West.

The goat also appeared; it happens to be Alexander the Great, emperor of Greece. He conquered the world from Macedonia to the Media and Persia. This one, however, didn’t stay longer – He died at age 33.

The horn that came out from one of the four Greek’s regions symbolizes Aurelius Epiphanes, who ruled during the 2nd century AD. This is also compared to Antichrist, who abolishes everything related to God’s elaborated programs, the church’s genuine projects. He orders the Jews to worship his own gods. The Antichrist will enter the holy place and insult God, His house, and the name of God.

What lessons should we learn from this literature?

  1. Earthly things are temporary

Alexander the Great was an incredible king, a very powerful warrior who took over major parts of the earth in just 8 years.  His military was not designed to go fight other militaries, but to go destroy other militaries that had shown prowess.

He was a great architect, business promotor, he left a powerful language, … but at age 33, he died of fever. Nothing on earth is eternal. You can fight for riches, power… and get it, but most importantly, know that it’s just for a short time (Ecclesiastes 2:18-22).

  • Signs of the coming of Antichrist have been here

The coming of Antichrist is fast approaching… signs of that period are here. Only the church of Jesus is still blocking his way. A spirit that deteriorates the Gospel of Jesus, that distracts Believers from following Jesus with passion, a spirit that keeps us busy with earthly things … is there.

But how should Believers behave?

  • Keep what you have been given [by God].
  • Hold onto their God to the end.
  • Keep the ministry work going with passion

Brethren, how do you stand in such troubled time? The Antichrist agents are busy preparing a way for their king, we should not relax while serving our own God and preparing the coming of our King Jesus. We are only left with a limited time to the end of times. It’s not a time to jubilate and be distracted by unimportant temporary things, let’s get to our assignment and focus on bringing more souls to the Cross.