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Benefits found in leading a prayerful life

Shammah Temple Fellowship, Ngagara Parish

Sermon of December 3, 2023

By Pastor Alexis Muzuri

Reference scriptures: Daniel 9:20-27

Theme: What are the benefits found in leading a prayerful life?

Students go through sessions of preparation so that they not only make it to the end of a semester, but also grab good grades. Spiritually as well, rightfully interceding, praying to God also has got incredible effects. Intercession is not done with precants fixing their eyes to the things they are praying for, but to the one they are calling to intervene.

What do Believers benefit when they pray in the right way?

  1. It leads them to God’s answer

God’s answer is not always what we are after. It’s God’s own visualization of what we really need and that He’s willing to offer us in prayer.

Daniel was deep in a prayer that he got Angel Gabriel straight from God with a big announcement, “As soon as you began to pray, a word went out, which I have come to tell you, for you are highly esteemed. Therefore, consider the word and understand the vision …” (Daniel 9:23).

What do we get from righteously interceding?

  • It accomplishes God’s plan in their lives since no matter who one is, God has designed something good for their life.

Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you, before you were born, I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations” (Jeremiah 1:5). Stand as the Daniel of your family by praying for it and attracting God’s favor to it.

  • It leads us to where God wants us to be.

This is a time when God makes our way clear, heads us to the destination we were created to be to.

  • It fills us with God’s power

When we come closer to God, we put on the full armor of God, get the power to fight and destroy the devil’s stronghold. Unless we hold the cross tightly, all the trash from the enemy will come to stay our way. Only God’s fire can burn them down and set us free.

  • It leads us in an alert life, a life that is ready to conquer its space

The seventy ‘sevens’ is divided into periods; first the 7 sevens, the 62 sevens that make up 69 sevens. The period we are in sits between the 69th and 70th and is not known to anyone, apart from God Himself (Matthew 24).

What did Jesus reveal about the Church’s period, which is not specified – between the 69th and 70th?

Jesus gave us a clue about the approaching of the end of times. Watch out for wars, hunger, wickedness in world, false prophets; unholy, ungrateful and abusive people, love will decrease in people … (2 Timothy 3:1-6).

In short, Believers’ life is only secure once they are devoted into prayerful customs. Pray when you are happy, pray when you are not, pray to talk to God, thanking Him or asking Him something, but pray anyway. Keep yourself alert, time is getting to the end and expect God to work in His own way at His own right time.