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How Christ saved us from sin’s turmoil

Shammah Temple Fellowship: Sermon of April 7, 2024

By Pastor Egide Nibitanga  

Theme: How Christ saved us from sin’s turmoil

Reference scriptures: Romans 5:12-21

Lawyers, attorneys’ work is to stand before the judges and defend their clients until their client’s punishment is reduced or even deleted. Jesus, spiritually speaking, also plays a similar role. From the Adam’s sin that made all mankind guilty, worthy to be damned, Jesus stood in our place and died for our own sins.

So, how were Believers taken out of the sin’s turmoil that haunted them?

1. Jesus restored our communion with God

We were once God’s enemies through sin, we were to be damned because of our trespasses. However, Jesus Christ paid the ultimate price that gave us access back to God. We were not supposed to live, now we not only live, but we were made Christ’s brethren through the blood He shed on the cross.

What Adam’s sin took away from us, Jesus regained it and restored live in us. “So, if the Son makes you free, then you are unquestionably free …” (John 8:36).

2. Jesus brought eternal life while sin had put us in death

After eating the forbidden fruit, Adam was dead – first spiritually and after physically. Death was brought to throne after the sin was committed. Fortunately, Christ was raised from the dead, and not only that, He was risen with us the Believers. “The tombs were opened, and many of the saints who had fallen asleep were raised” (Matthew 27:52).

Death will be thrown away into fire, it will no longer have access to humans who Believed in the King of kings (1 Corinthians 15:14-21).

All in all, today’s scriptures bring light into our lives. Only Jesus was able to bring us what sin had taken from us. The restoration was so powerful that no one can ever protest it. Through Jesus, we are alive, we have assurance for tomorrow, we have been given access to the Father who had been so far from us because of our sin. Thank you, Jesus, for paying the price!